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Friday, December 31, 2010
Perbandingan iPad Vs Galaxy Tab, Lengkap Fitur dan Harganya !
Dibanding iPad dengan layar 9.7 inchnya, Galaxy Tab memang lebih portable dengan ukuran layar hanya sebesar 7 inch (600 x 1024 pixel). Pada ukuran 768 x 1024 pixel, layar iPad terasa sedikit lebih lebar.
Selisih ukuran 3 inch cukup membuat karakter dalam membawa dua produk tersebut berbeda. iPad lebih cocok dimasukan tas, sementara Glaxy Tab lebih pas dimasukan saku jaket. Mari kita simak perbedaan karakter dan spesifikasi kedua tablet tersebut.
Galaxy Tab, Android Raksasa Sebesar 7 Inch
Galaxy Tab merupakan produk pertama Samsung di ranah tablet PC. Berbekal dengan kecanggihan sistem operasi Android 2.2 (Froyo), produk ini diklaim bakal menjadi sebuah gadget yang digandrungi masyarakat.
Tak ubahnya seperti iPad yang coba mengisi kekosongan antara ponsel pintar dengan netbook, begitu pun dengan Samsung yang memposisikan Galaxy Tab dikelas yang sama. Sebagai pendatang baru, produk tersebut memiliki beberapa celah yang tak ada di iPad. Misalnya kamera.
Tablet Samsung ini memiliki kamera sebesar 3,2 megapixel (belakang) dan 1,3 megapixel (depan). Meski tidak terlalu bagus menangkap gambar pada ruangan yang gelap, namun kehadirannya merupakan poin tersendiri.
Jeroan yang diusung produk ini pun tak main-main. Sebut saja penggunaan prosesor Cortex A8 berkecepatan 1Ghz yang disandingkan dengan memori RAM sebesar 512MB. Dengan spesifikasi tersebut, Galaxy Tab mampu mejalankan film beresolusi 1920 x 1080 tanpa masalah. Format film yang didukung piranti ini pun cukup lengkap seperti, DivX, XviD, MPEG4, dan H.264 tentunya.
iPad, Menjembatani iPhone dan MacBook
Harus diakui, iPad merupakan tablet PC dengan tampilan paling mulus. Saat mengenalkan iPad, Steve Jobs pernah menyebutkan gadget ini bakal mengisi 'ruang kosong' antara iPhone dan MacBook.
Dari sisi ukuran dan kelengkapan perangkat, iPad memang cocok untuk mengisi ruang tersebut. Ia lebih besar daripada iPhone, namun tak cukup berbobot seperti MacBook (atau laptop lain).
Ukuran iPad cukup besar untuk menikmati konten seperti komik digital, halaman web, maupun video. Namun ia tidak terlalu besar sehingga menyulitkan untuk mengoperasikannya dengan satu tangan.
Hanya saja, bobot iPad yang seharusnya 'ringan' itu menjadi cukup berat untuk penggunaan dengan satu tangan di jangka waktu agak lama. Punggungnya yang terbuat dari aluminium pun turut mendukung rasa was-was pengguna: takut iPad-nya terselip dan jatuh
Dari sekilas karakteristik kedua tablet di atas, mari kita bandingkan dari tiap elemennya:
1) Desain:
Galaxy Tab, berukuran 7 inch pas digenggam dan memiliki desain yang solid. Dibanding iPad bobotnya terasa lebih ringan.
iPad, berukuran 9.7 inch sedikit was-was jika tablet ini jatuh. Bobotnya memang lebih berat dari Galaxy Tab, namun tampak lebih elegan berbalut alumunim dan tidak terlalu gendut. Layarnya jelas lebih lega ketimbang Galaxy Tab.
2) Tampilan
Galaxy Tab, adalah Android yang tentu memiliki tampilan lebih kompleks ketimbang iOS. Beberapa pengguna Android yang telah terbiasa tentu tak memiliki masalah. Namun bagi pengguna awam, tampilannya lebih membingungkan dari iPad.
iPad, memiliki tampilan iOS yang lebih simpel dan mudah dipahami bagi pengguna awam. Secara desain dan feel, iOS lebih smooth dan mulus dalam hal transisi, efek, dan jalannya aplikasi.
3) Fitur
Galaxy Tab, mengambil celah yang tak dimiliki iPad. Dengan dua buah kamera, tablet milik Samsung ini jadi lebih fungsional tentunya. Selain itu Galaxy tab sudah mendukung Flash.
iPad, tampil lebih simpel tanpa kamera. Tablet Apple ini juga tidak mendukung format Flash. Galaxy Tab boleh lebih unggul untuk dual hal tersebut.
4) Harga
Galaxy Tab, dijual seharga Rp 6 jutaan. Berbeda dengan iPad, Galaxy Tab tak memiliki versi Wifi saja. Semua sudah all ini dalam satu tablet tersebut.
iPad, telah resmi masuk Indnesia. AppStore Indonesia menjualnya mulai Rp 4,7 juta (Wifi 16 GB). Model paling mahal adalah iPad dengan koneksi 3G berkapasitas 64GB yang ditawarkan pada kisaran Rp 7,9 juta.
Nah, sekarang pilihan jatuh di tangan masing-masing. Jika menginginkan tablet yang berdisplay lega, dapat digunakan untuk mengetik secara cepat maka pilihlah iPad. Namun jika menginginkan tablet yang lebih ringkas untuk dimasukan tas kecil, memiliki kamera, dan tentunya mendukung format Flash, pilihalah Galaxy Tab.
Mengintip Yuk, Guru Mengajarkan Pendidikan Seks di China
Siswa kelas 3 di sebuah SD di distrik Chaoyang, Beijing, menerima pendidikan seks pertama mereka dengan melakukan tur ke toilet. "Memberikan kesempatan untuk melihat toilet lawan jenis adalah salah satu cara pendidikan seks dan mengerti posisi mereka," ujar guru Hou Wenjun.
Hou percaya jika pendidikan dimulai dari rasa ingin tahu. "Dengan melakukan tur ke kamar mandi memberikan kesempatan kepada anak-anak untuk melihat perbedaanya," jelasnya, lagi. Salah satu bagian kurikulum mulai dari kelas 1 hingga kelas 6 adalah pendidikan seks dimulai degan subyek mengenai masalah
khatira Naubahar Afghan Female Actress Model Celebrity Photo Collection and Biography
Khatira Naubahar is one of the few young women from Afghanistan, who has chosen to be an actress. She was born in an educated family in Kabul in 1985. Her late father Abdul Ghias Naubahar was a lecturer at Kabul University and her mother Farida Naubahar worked for the United Nations and Unicef. Khatira loved acting and dancing at a very young age and she was always encouraged by her family and was rewarded to keep up performing. In 1997, she fled Afghanistan with her family and settled down in the Netherlands. Once safe and secure she continued with her education and also her performing life. She has done many cultural projects for her school to promote her cultural and traditional values of her country. She speaks four languages including Dutch, English, Farsi/Dari and Hindi. She has also worked as a volunteer for the Vrouwen Centrum (Women?s Organization) in the Netherlands. In the meantime she continued to strive for opportunities to become an actress. In 2003, she was selected to play the lead role in a comedy film ?Gul Muhammad and Dur Muhammad? directed by Mr. Karim Tanweer. She is the first young female actress from Afghanistan in Europe. Although the film was not a hit, Khatira showed the audience that she was successful in her role. Khatira has also worked in music videos of Nazir Khara and Zubair Nekbin. In 2005, Khatira had her second lead role in film ?Do Aatash? (TWO FIRES). Do Aatash was directed by Mr. Haroon Sharara and Khatira?s sister Arzo Naubahar who was the assistant director as well as the supporting actress. The movie was about the cultural differences, taboos and abuse of women rights. It was filmed in the Netherlands and Afghanistan. During the shooting of Do Aatash, Khatira?s father passed away. It was a great loss of a great companion and the loss left Khatira with a lot of sorrows and pain. But even then she continued to play her role successfully and stood by her promise to her father that she would complete the movie. Her family, friends and fans stood by her and supported her through this difficult time and she is thankful to all of them. The film was released in cinemas in Europe and Afghanistan and was a super hit. Khatira won many trophies from Afghan Organizations in the UK, Afghanistan and the Netherlands for her role in this very sensitive issue of women?s rights. In 2007, she completed her studies in Retail and Marketing from Roc of Amsterdam. After moving to England in 2008, she received her first diploma in Performing Arts from West Kent Collage. She currently lives in London and is looking to expand her existing acting skills and gain more experience in fashion modeling and feature films. She is punctual, reliable, has a pretty face, a nice figure, is photogenic and has a professional attitude. Her broad understanding of cultures, flexibility and down to earth nature are qualities that make her stand out.
Zallascht Sadat Miss Afghanistan Latest Photo Gallery and Biography
Zallascht Sadat (*29 January 1982) was officially elected Miss Afghanistan 2008. She is the first officially elected Miss Afghanistan since Zohra Yousuf Daoud was elected in 1972. Zallascht will enter the 2009 Miss World contest and represent Afghanistan. On October 25, 2008 a jury in Hamburg, Germany named Zallascht Sadat Miss Afghanistan 2008. The pageant was held by Afghan Models. Madina Taher who represented Germany in the Miss Universe 2008 pageant was one of the jurors. Zallascht was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and moved with her family to Germany at the age of 3. She currently studies Business.
Arash Howaida Germany Based Afghan Singer Composer Biography and Latest Photos
Arash Howaida (born in 1980 in Afghanistan - Kohistan district) is one of the modern Hip Hop and Pop artists and composers from Afghanistan. Arash currently resides in Hamburg, Germany and is the son of popular Afghan artist Zahir Howaida. Known for his hit songs "Laila" (in Dari, German and Arabic)[1] and "Allah Allah", Arash is best known for his ability to successfully introduce and combine hip hop and dance beats into music. His compositions and music is influence from western musics. Beside songs in his mother-tongue, he has also sang songs in Arabic and Hindi. Arash has assisted in the composition of songs and albums for Afghanistan´s artists such as Habib Qaderi and Zubair Nekbinzada. His most noticeable work was Habib Qaderi's latest album Closer in which Arash showcases his rich knowledge of a variety of traditional music styles within the realm of his own hip hop or dance style.
Italian Actresses Models Name List and Short Biography
Cele Abba (actress, 1906 to 1992)
Marta Abba (1900 to 1988)
Alessandra Acciai (1965)
Laura Adani (1913 to 1996)
Janet Ågren (1949) (Swedish actress who mainly worked in Italy )
Marcella Albani (1901 to 1959)
Marisa Allasio (1936)
Elena Altieri (1910 to 1997)
Ambra Angiolini (1977)
Laura Antonelli (1941) (Born in Pula in modern Croatia , at the time the Italian city of Pola )
Robin Arcuri (1976) (American actress, born in Los Angeles to Italian-American parents)
Manuela Arcuri (1977)
Adriana Asti (1933)
Margherita Bagni (1902 - 1960)
Paola Barbara (1912 - 1989)
Isa Barzizza (1929)
Agostina Belli (1947)
Monica Bellucci (1964)
Maria Antonietta Beluzzi (1930 - 1997)
Femi Benussi (1945) (Born in Rovinj in modern Croatia , at the time the Italian city of Rovigno )
Marina Berti (1924 - 2002)
Francesca Bertini (1892 - 1985)
Laura Betti (1927 - 2004)
Daniela Bianchi (1942 - )
Erika Blanc (1942 - )
Caterina Boratto (1915 - )
Paola Borboni (1900 - 1995)
Lyda Borelli (1884 - 1959)
Lucia Bosé (1931)
Liù Bosisio (1936)
Barbara Bouchet (1943) (Czech actress raised in the US and mostly working in Italian films)
Nicoletta Braschi (1960)
Maria Grazia Buccella (1940)
Margherita Buy (1962)
Clara Calamai (1909 - 1998)
Anna Campori (1917)
Gianna Maria Canale (1927)
Elisabetta Canalis (1978)
Debora Caprioglio (1968)
Anita Caprioli (1973)
Lilli Carati (1956)
Claudia Cardinale (1938) (Born and raised in Tunis in Tunisia to a French mother and an Italian father, learned Italian when she came to Italy at the age of 18)
Maria Carmi (1880 - 1957)
Vera Carmi (1914 - 1969)
Raffaella Carrà (1943)
Rosalinda Celentano (1968)
Valentina Cervi (1976)
Amelia Chellini (1880 - 1944)
Gigliola Cinquetti (1947)
Valentina Cortese (1925)
Maria Grazia Cucinotta (1968)
Barbara Cupisti
Titina De Filippo (1898 - 1965)
Carla Del Poggio (1925)
Orchidea De Santis (1948)
Giuliana De Sio (1957)
Irasema Dilián (1924 - 1996) (Polish actress born in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil to Polish parents)
Silvia Dionisio (1951)
Miria Di San Servolo (1923 - 1991)
Eleonora Duse (1858 - 1924)
Valentina Fago (1971)
Anna Falchi (1972) (Born in Tampere in Finland as Anna Palomäki to an Italian father and a Finnish mother)
Luisa Ferida (1914 - 1945)
Sabrina Ferilli (1964)
Angela Finocchiaro (1955)
Scilla Gabel (1938)
Anna Galiena (1954)
Ida Galli (1942)
Pina Gallini (1888 - 1974)
Claudia Gerini (1971)
Vivi Gioi (1917 - 1975)
Domiziana Giordano (1959)
Gabriella Giorgelli (1942)
Eleonora Giorgi (1953)
Valeria Golino (1966) (Born in Naples to an Italian father and a Greek-French mother)
Selena Gomez (1992) (American actress of Italian and Mexican descent)
Laura Gore (1918 - 1957)
Emma Gramatica (1874 - 1965)
Serena Grandi (1958)
Monica Guerritore (1958)
Gloria Guida (1955)
Sabina Guzzanti (1963)
Tanya Henggeler (1978) ( Switzerland actress who mainly worked in Italy )
Anna Kanakis (1962)
Claudia Koll (1965)
Sylva Koscina (1933 - 1994) (Croatian actress who mainly worked in Italy )
Tina Lattanzi (1897 - 1997)
Virna Lisi (1937)
Luciana Littizzetto (1964)
Gina Lollobrigida (1927)
Sophia Loren (1934)
Antonella Lualdi (1931) (Born in Beirut in Lebanon )
Angela Luce (1938)
Demi Lovato (1992) (American actress of Italian descent)
Licia Maglietta (1954)
Anna Magnani (1908 - 1973)
Silvana Mangano (1930 - 1989)
Alessia Marcuzzi (1972)
Cristina Marsillach (1963) (born in Madrid ; more properly, a Spanish actress who also starred in Italian films)
Elsa Martinelli (1932/1935)
Alessandra Martines (1963)
Giulietta Masina (1921 - 1994)
Lea Massari (1933)
Clelia Matania (1918 - 1981)
Margaret Mazzantini (1961) (born in Ireland )
Rose McGowan (1973) (American actress born in Florence , Italy )
Mariangela Melato (1941)
Elsa Merlini (1903 - 1983)
Marisa Merlini (1923 - 2008)
Giovanna Mezzogiorno (1974)
Maria Michi (1921 - 1980)
Alyssa Milano (1972) (American actress born in New York City to Italian-American parents)
Sandra Milo (1935)
Milva (1939)
Isa Miranda (1905 - 1982)
Sandra Mondaini (1931)
Maria Monti (1935)
Laura Morante (1956)
Rina Morelli (1908 - 1976)
Valeria Moriconi (1931 - 2005)
Jone Morino (1896 - 1978)
Caterina Murino (1977)
Ornella Muti (1955)
Agnese Nano
Francesca Neri
Rosalba Neri
Daria Nicolodi
Ave Ninchi
Assia Noris
Luciana Paluzzi
Silvana Pampanini
Alessandra Panaro
Alba Parietti
Elli Parvo
Rita Pavone
Didi Perego
Tina Pica
Anna Maria Pierangeli
Cecilia Pillado
Paola Pitagora
Nilla Pizzi
Rossana Podestà
Romina Power
Moana Pozzi
Giovanna Ralli
Pina Renzi
Francesca Rettondini
Giuditta Rissone
Eva Robins
Daniela Rocca
Stefania Rocca
Isabella Rossellini
Eleonora Rossi Drago
Carmen Russo
Sabrina Salerno
Amanda Sandrelli
Stefania Sandrelli
Anna Maria Sandri
Maya Sansa
Dina Sassoli
Delia Scala
Tecla Scarano
Carmen Scarpitta
Rosanna Schiaffino
Adriana Serra
Talia Shire
Linda Sini
Laura Solari
Valeria Solarino
Olga Solbelli
Catherine Spaak
Ilona Staller
Simonetta Stefanelli
Ida Carloni Talli (1860 - 1940)
Jasmine Trinca (1981)
Valeria Valeri
Alida Valli
Bice Valori
Milly Vitale
Monica Vitti
Milena Vukotic
Italian (Italy) Film Stage Drama Actresses Actors Models Name List
Michele Abbruzzo (1904 – 1996, legend actor)
Stefano Accorsi
Antonio Acqua
Giuseppe Addobbati
Gianni Agus
Antonio Albanese
Giorgio Albertazzi
Gigio Alberti
Guido Alberti
Giampiero Albertini
Ale e Franz
Carlo Alighiero
Antonio Allocca
Lucio Allocca
Ernesto Almirante
Giacomo Almirante
Luigi Almirante
Roberto Alpi
Tullio Altamura
Gaetano Amato
Gerardo Amato
Mario Ambrosino
Claudio Amendola
Ferruccio Amendola
Renzo Arbore
Raf Baldassarre
Renato Baldini
Franco Balducci
Dario Ballantini
Gigi Ballista
Ignazio Balsamo
Armando Bandini
Lino Banfi
Luca Barbareschi
Guido Barbarisi
Urbano Barberini
Cesare Barbetti
Memo Benassi
Poldo Bendandi
Carmelo Bene
Roberto Benigni
Francesco Benigno
Galeazzo Benti
Warner Bentivegna
Fabrizio Bentivoglio
Alessandro Benvenuti
Ciro Berardi
Alessandro Bergonzoni
Nerio Bernardi
Angelo Bernabucci
Toni Bertorelli
Calisto Bertramo
Ughetto Bertucci
Enrico Beruschi
Nino Besozzi
Annibale Betrone
Cesare Bettarini
Silla Bettini
Luca Bizzarri
Oscar Blando
Gildo Bocci
Alfredo Boccolini
Federico Boido
Massimo Boldi
Ugo Bologna
Paolo Bonacelli
Gianni Bonagura
Luciano Bonanni
Massimo Bonetti
Mike Bongiorno
Marcello Bonini Olas
Alessio Boni
Mario Bonnard
Luigi Bonos
Andrea Brambilla
Gino Bramieri
Armando Brancia
Franco Branciaroli
Rossano Brazzi
Mario Brega
Fabrizio Brienza
Enrico Brignano
Paolo Briguglia
Giulio Brogi
Roberto Bruni
Nando Bruno
Rosolino Bua
Tino Buazzelli
Flavio Bucci
Carlo Buccirosso
Giorgio Cantarini
Giorgio Capecchi
Lino Capolicchio
Alberto Capozzi
Pier Paolo Capponi
Vittorio Caprioli
Eolo Capritti
Fabrizio Capucci
Franco Caracciolo
Tino Carraro
Carlo Cartier
Pino Caruso
Antonio Casagrande
Maurizio Casagrande
Salvatore Cascio
Gino Cassani
Stefano Cassetti
Claudio Cassinelli
Mario Castellani
Franco Castellano
Sergio Castellitto
Nino Castelnuovo
Antonio Catania
Luciano Catenacci
Gianni Cavalieri
Gino Cavalieri
Gino Cervi
Ugo Ceseri
Renato Cestiè
Andrea Checchi
Roberto Chevalier
Renato Chiantoni
Walter Chiari
Renato Cialente
Giovanni Cianfriglia
Sergio Ciani
Eduardo Ciannelli
Gianni Ciardo
Maurizio Ciavarro
Roy Ciccolini
Nando Cicero
Giancarlo Cobelli
Lino Coletta
Pino Colizzi
Ernesto Colli
Federico Collino
Alberto Collo
Maurizio D'Ancora
Carlo D'Angelo
Gianfranco D'Angelo
Nino D'Angelo
Cesare Danova
Carlo De Mejo
Andrea De Pino
Giorgio e Guido De Rege
Massimo De Rossi
Christian De Sica
Vittorio De Sica
Mario De Simone
Angelo Dessy
Pietro De Vico
Vito Di Bella
Gianni Di Benedetto
Luigi Diberti
Mauro Di Francesco
Augusto Di Giovanni
Niccolò Accursio Di Leo
Riccardo Fellini
Jimmy il Fenomeno
Plinio Fernando
Paolo Ferrara
Pino Ferrara
Mario Ferrari
Paolo Ferrari
Edoardo Ferravilla
Maurizio Ferrini
Turi Ferro
Gabriele Ferzetti
Enzo Fiermonte
Giorgio Gaber
Carlo Gaddi
Enzo Gainotti
Corrado Gaipa
Mario Gallina
Michele Gammino
Antonio Gandusio
Leo Garavaglia
Aristide Garbini
Enzo Garinei
Gabriel Garko
Gianni Garko
Armando Garozzo
Ivo Garrani
Fabio Garriba
Riccardo Garrone
Franco Gasparri
Alessandro Gassman
Vittorio Gassman
Lauro Gazzolo
Nando Gazzolo
Cesare Gelli
Giuliano Gemma
Remo Girone
Massimo Girotti
Aldo Giuffrè
Carlo Giuffrè
Francesco Giuffrida
Aldo Giuliani
Luigi Giuliani
Paolo Giusti
Carlo Giustini
Loris Gizzi
Enrico Glori
Gene Gnocchi
Giorgio Gobbi
Tito Gobbi
Francesco Golisano
Claudio Gora
Gilberto Govi
Antonio Gradoli
Walter Grant
Raoul Grassilli
Giovanni Grasso
Giovanni Grasso Jr
Paolo Graziosi
Ezio Greggio
Beppe Grillo
Marco Leonardi
Ignazio Leone
Luigi Leoni
Guido Leontini
Gino Leurini
Achille Majeroni
Michele Malaspina
Renato Malavasi
Paolo Malco
Nicola Maldacea
Nino Manfredi
Leonard Mann
Guido Mannari
Ettore Manni
Evar Maran
Ezio Marano
Mario Maranzana
Vanni Materassi
Maurizio Mattioli
Raf Mattioli
Glauco Mauri
Roberto Mauri
Mario Mazza
Carlo Mazzarella
Piero Mazzarella
Gilberto Mazzi
Dino Mele
Umberto Melnati
Ricky Memphis
Alfredo Menichelli
Furio Meniconi
Adalberto Maria Merli
Franco Merli
Maurizio Merli
Sandro Merli
Mario Merola
Marco Messeri
Geronimo Meynier
Vittorio Mezzogiorno
Dario Michaelis
Maurizio Micheli
Carlo Micheluzzi
Tonino Micheluzzi
Armando Migliari
Nino Milano
Tomas Milian
Camillo Milli
Achille Millo
Carlo Minello
Gianni Minervini
Riccardo Miniggio
Felice Minotti
Fabrizio Mioni
Michele Mirabella
Ruggero Miti
Tiberio Mitri
Gustavo Modena
Domenico Modugno
Alessandro Momo
Carlo Monni
Stefano Roberto Monni
Renzo Montagnani
Renato Montalbano
Lucio Montanaro
Enrico Montesano
Luigi Montini
Gianni Morandi
Nanni Moretti
Sandro Moretti
Guido Morisi
Fabrizio Moroni
Gastone Moschin
Giacomo Moschini
Silvio Muccino
Francesco Mulé
Tiberio Murgia
Paul Müller
Nando Murolo
Roberto Murolo
Angelo Musco
Vincenzo Musolino
Guido Notari
Silvio Noto
Nick Novecento
Mario Novelli
Ermete Novelli
Novello Novelli
Francesco Nuti
Piero Nuti
Andrea Occhipinti
Egisto Olivieri
Enrico Olivieri
Corrado Olmi
Giovanni Onorato
Glauco Onorato
Stefano Oppedisano
Franco Oppini
Angelo Orlando
Orazio Orlando
Silvio Orlando
Michael Orsini
Umberto Orsini
Renzo Ozzano
Bartolomeo Pagano
Ugo Pagliai
Marcello Pagliero
Eros Pagni
Oreste Palella
Piero Palermini
Edoardo Passarelli
Piero Pastore
Franco Pastorino
Livio Pavanelli
Luigi Pavese
Nino Pavese
Nello Pazzafini
Alfredo Pea
Biagio Pelligra
Vincenzo Peluso
Nico Pepe
Memé Perlini
Franco Pesce
Gastone Pescucci
Emilio Petacci
Mario Petri
Luigi Petrucci
Amilcare Pettinelli
Lorenzo Piani
Lamberto Picasso
Leonardo Pieraccioni
Antonio Pierfederici
Giuseppe Pierozzi
Marina Pierro
Luciano Pigozzi
Camillo Pilotto
Renato Pinciroli
Aldo Pini
Carlo Pisacane
Massimo Piras
Luigi Pistilli
Nicola Pistoia
Mario Pisu
Raffaele Pisu
Michele Placido
Alberto Plebani
Cesare Polacco
Afro Poli
Mimmo Poli
Paolo Poli
Cochi Ponzoni
Giorgio Porcaro
Giuseppe Porelli
Renato Pozzetto
Renato Rascel
Ivan Rassimov
Isarco Ravaioli
Rolando Ravello
Paco Reconti
Gigi Reder
Remo Remotti
Tony Renis
Teddy Reno
Gastone Renzelli
Franco Ressel
Michele Riccardini
Renzo Ricci
Guido Riccioli
Virgilio Riento
Massimo Righi
Mariano Rigillo
Adriano Rimoldi
Giuseppe Rinaldi
David Riondino
Roberto Risso
Checco Rissone
Mario Riva
Alfredo Rizzo
Carlo Rizzo
Giacomo Rizzo
Gianni Rizzo
Enzo Robutti
Carlo Romano
Renato Romano
Andrea Roncato
Giacomo Rondinella
Stelvio Rosi
Gian Paolo Rosmino
Luciano Rossi
Paolo Rossi
Riccardo Rossi
Renato Rossini
Giacomo Rossi Stuart
Kim Rossi Stuart
Ermanno Roveri
Sergio Rubini
Guido Salvini
Tommaso Salvini
Riccardo Salvino
Gigi Sammarchi
Vittorio Sanipoli
Gino Santercole
Walter Santesso
Mario Santonastaso
Pippo Santonastaso
Gianni Santuccio
Massimo Sarchielli
Paolo Sassanelli
Ugo Sasso
Stefano Satta Flores
Gigi Savoia
Giancarlo Sbragia
Mattia Sbragia
Mario Scaccia
Francesco Scali
Franco Scandurra
Renato Scarpa
Giulio Scarpati
Eduardo Scarpetta
Filippo Scelzo
Simone Schettino
Tito Schipa
Tino Schirinzi
Bruno Scipioni
Gustavo Scirè
Andrea Scotti
Tino Scotti
Massimo Serato
Aldo Silvani
Guglielmo Sinaz
Francesco Sineri
Vinicio Sofia
Gianni Solaro
Tullio Solenghi
Emilio Solfrizzi
Sergio Solli
Paolo Solvay
Sebastiano Somma
Alberto Sordi
Alberto Sorrentino
Marcello Spada
Odoardo Spadaro
Peppino Spadaro
Umberto Spadaro
Erminio Spalla
Ignazio Spalla
Bud Spencer
Tony Sperandeo
Matteo Spinola
Enzo Spitaleri
Sergio Tofano
Lino Toffolo
Achille Togliani
Gianmarco Tognazzi
Ricky Tognazzi
Ugo Tognazzi
Francesco Tola
Fausto Tommei
Bob Tonelli
Edoardo Toniolo
Pietro Tordi
Pietro Torrisi
Luigi Tosi
Otello Toso
Fausto Tozzi
Fabio Traversa
Giorgio Trestini
Franco Trevisi
Leopoldo Trieste
Amedeo Trilli
Lino Troisi
Massimo Troisi
Marco Tulli
Gualtiero Tumiati
Enzo Turco
Max Turilli
Claudio Undari
Saro Urzì
Mario Valdemarin
Osvaldo Valenti
Leopoldo Valentini
Rudolph Valentino
Romolo Valli
Raf Vallone
Saverio Vallone
Massimo Vanni
Luigi Vannucchi
Raimondo Van Riel
Alfredo Varelli
Daniele Vargas
Giuseppe Varni
Vittorio Vaser
Sergio Vastano
Venantino Venantini
Massimo Venturiello
Massimo Wertmüller
Ermete Zacconi
Giuseppe Zago
Gero Zambuto
Nazareno Zamperla
Elio Zamuto
Giancarlo Zanetti
Bruno Zanin
Angelo Zanolli
Gianluca Zarfati
Luigi Zerbinati
Luca Zingaretti
Cesare Zoppetti
Augusto Zucchi
All Hungary Film Drama Actresses Actors Comedian Singers Name List
Andor Ajtay
Gábor Agárdy
Imre Antal
Imre Apáthi
István Avar
Oszkár Ascher
Péter Andorai
Róbert Alföldi
Éva Almási
András Bálint
András Bálint
Ágnes Bánfalvy
Ferenc Bessenyei
Gizi Bajor
Gyula Bartos
Gyula Benkő
Gyula Bodrogi
György Bánffy
György Bárdy
Ildikó Bánsági
István Bujtor
Imre Bajor
Juli Básti
József Bihari
Kati Berek
Kálmán Benkő
Lajos Balázsovits
Lajos Básti
Ilona Béres
Margit Bara
Péter Balázs
Samu Balázs
Zsuzsa Bánki
Eszter Csákányi
Gyula Csortos
György Cserhalmi
Karola Csűrös
László Csákányi
Sándor Csányi
Teréz Csillag
Alfréd Deésy
István Déry
Iván Darvas
Kata Dobó
Lajos Dobsa
Margit Dayka
Dorka Gryllus
Cecília Esztergályos
Enikő Eszenyi
Gábor Egressy
Károly Eperjes
Mihály Ernyi
Iván Fenyő
Kamill Feleki
Sári Fedák
Dezső Garas
Erzsi Galambos
Gyula Gózon
Hilda Gobbi
János Gálvölgyi
János Görbe
László Gálffi
Miklós Gábor
Márton Garas
Nóra Görbe
Oszkár Gáti
Sándor Gáspár
Zita Görög
Endre Harkányi
Frigyes Hollósi
Gábor Harsányi
Géza D. Hegedűs
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Hanna Honthy
Ildikó Hámori
Judit Halász
Judit Hernádi
József Horváth
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Tamás Jordán
András Kern
Attila Kaszás
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Erzsébet Kútvölgyi
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Gábor Koncz
Juci Komlósi
János Kulka
János Kótsi Patkó
Katalin Karády
Levente Király
László Kabos
Róbert Koltai
Endre Latabár
Ila Lóth
Kati Lázár
Kálmán Latabár
Margit Lukács
Márton Lendvay
Márton Lendvay
Róza Laborfalvi
Zoltán Latinovits
Zsuzsa Lehoczky
Erzsi Máthé
Gábor Mádi Szabó
József Madaras
József Markos
Károly Makk
Károly Mécs
László Mensáros
László Márkus
Manyi Kiss
Margit Makay
Mária Mezei
Piroska Molnár
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Tamás Major
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Marika Oszvald
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Antal Páger
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Sándor Pécsi
Ilka Pálmay
Irma Patkós
Irén Psota
Judit Pogány
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Gellért Raksányi
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Kálmán Rózsahegyi
Péter Rudolf
Szidi Rákosi
Éva Ruttkai
Artúr Somlay
Ádám Szirtes
Bertalan Solti
Dezső Straub
Eva Szorenyi
Gyula Szabó
Imre Sinkovits
Imre Soós
István Somló
István Sztankay
László Sinkó
Roland Selmeczi
Sándor Szabó
Éva Schubert
Elemér Thury
Géza Tordy
József Tímár
Klári Tolnay
Mari Törőcsik
Nóra Tábori
Sándor Tompa
Dorottya Udvaros
László Ungváry
Tivadar Uray
Ilus Vay
Miklós Vig
Tamás Végvári
Vera Venczel
Éva Vári
Ferenc Zenthe
Sándor Zsótér
Thursday, December 30, 2010
BMW 7-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images
Upcoming BMW 7-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images.
![BMW 7-Series Cars](
![BMW 7-Series Cars](
![BMW 7-Series Cars](
BMW 7 Series takes luxury, styling and driving dynamics to new heights. The engine of this sedan provides a satisfying surge of power, with smoothest gearshifts. It boasts of interiors that have been quipped with opulent atmosphere.
BMW 7-Series Engine
BMW 7 Series sedan offers both petrol and diesel-driven vehicles. The 740Li variant is powered by 4000 cc 8-cylinders petrol engine, which delivers a power of 225 kW @ 6300 rpm and torque of 390 Nm @ 3500 rpm. The 750Li variants comes equipped with a 4799 cc 8-cylinders engine, which churns out a power of 270 kW @ 6300 rpm with a peak torque of 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm.
BMW 7-Series Design And Comfort
The coupe-like silhouette of BMW 7 Series sedan astounds the spectator at the very first glance. The frontage of the car is adorned by sleek streamlined double headlights, with clear lens fog lamps on the body colored bumpers and the trademark double-kidney shaped radiator grille.
BMW 7-Series Safety
The advanced safety system of BMW 7 Series sedan includes modern sensor technology, which ensures maximum protection to the occupants.
BMW 7-Series Engines
Type In-line, 4V, Petrol Engine (740Li, 750Li) 12 cylinder in line, 4 valve per cylinder (760Li)
Number Of Cylinders 6 (730Ld) 8 (740Li and 750Li) 12 (760Li)
Displacement 4000 cc (740Li) 4799 cc (750Li) 5972 cc (760Li) 2993 cc (730Ld)
Transmission 6 Gears, Automatic
Max. Power 225 kW @ 6300 rpm (740Li) 270 kW @ 6300 rpm (750Li) 327 kW @ 6000 rpm (760Li) 160 kW @ 4000 rpm (730Ld)
Max. Torque 390 Nm @ 3500 rpm (740Li) 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm (750Li) 600 Nm @ 3950 rpm (760Li) 500 Nm @ 1750 rpm (730Ld)
BMW 7-Series cars have been one of the top-notch contenders in the segment of full-size luxury class sedans.
They’ve dominated the marketed big time, and the key features of the latest generation BMW 7 series are its amazing passenger and cargo room, quietness and acceleration.
![BMW 7-Series Cars](
![BMW 7-Series Cars](
![2009 BMW 7 Series](
BMW 7 Series takes luxury, styling and driving dynamics to new heights. The engine of this sedan provides a satisfying surge of power, with smoothest gearshifts. It boasts of interiors that have been quipped with opulent atmosphere.
BMW 7-Series Engine
BMW 7 Series sedan offers both petrol and diesel-driven vehicles. The 740Li variant is powered by 4000 cc 8-cylinders petrol engine, which delivers a power of 225 kW @ 6300 rpm and torque of 390 Nm @ 3500 rpm. The 750Li variants comes equipped with a 4799 cc 8-cylinders engine, which churns out a power of 270 kW @ 6300 rpm with a peak torque of 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm.
BMW 7-Series Design And Comfort
The coupe-like silhouette of BMW 7 Series sedan astounds the spectator at the very first glance. The frontage of the car is adorned by sleek streamlined double headlights, with clear lens fog lamps on the body colored bumpers and the trademark double-kidney shaped radiator grille.
BMW 7-Series Safety
The advanced safety system of BMW 7 Series sedan includes modern sensor technology, which ensures maximum protection to the occupants.
BMW 7-Series Engines
Type In-line, 4V, Petrol Engine (740Li, 750Li) 12 cylinder in line, 4 valve per cylinder (760Li)
Number Of Cylinders 6 (730Ld) 8 (740Li and 750Li) 12 (760Li)
Displacement 4000 cc (740Li) 4799 cc (750Li) 5972 cc (760Li) 2993 cc (730Ld)
Transmission 6 Gears, Automatic
Max. Power 225 kW @ 6300 rpm (740Li) 270 kW @ 6300 rpm (750Li) 327 kW @ 6000 rpm (760Li) 160 kW @ 4000 rpm (730Ld)
Max. Torque 390 Nm @ 3500 rpm (740Li) 490 Nm @ 3400 rpm (750Li) 600 Nm @ 3950 rpm (760Li) 500 Nm @ 1750 rpm (730Ld)
BMW 7-Series cars have been one of the top-notch contenders in the segment of full-size luxury class sedans.
They’ve dominated the marketed big time, and the key features of the latest generation BMW 7 series are its amazing passenger and cargo room, quietness and acceleration.
BMW 6-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images
Upcoming BMW 6-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images
The 2008 6 Series is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports car, or convertible sports car, available in two trims, the 650i Coupe and the 650i Convertible.
Upon introduction, the 650i Coupe is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 22-mpg on the highway. The 650i Convertible is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 21-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.The launch of the new BMW 6 Series Coupe and Convertible this weekend (7 October) marks the latest in a long line of BMW products revealed in 2007 featuring BMW EfficientDynamics
BMW 6-Series Cars Engine & Performance
The standard engine to the BMW 6 Series model is a 4.8 liter V8 model that can deliver power up to 360 hp and the engine can be paired to either manual or to an automated transmission.
The BMW 6 series model is equipped with the features like keyless entry system, auto climate control air conditioning, navigation system, power locks, seat memory, cruise control, dual zone front air conditioning, power windows, power driver seat, trip computer,
![BMW 6 Series Coupe Magazine Pictures](
The new BMW 6 Series range features a host of innovations designed to increase performance, improve fuel consumption and reduce emissions. The BMW 635d is joined in the range by the 630i and 650i, offered in both Coupe and Convertible bodystyles. The six-cylinder magnesium and aluminum engine in the 272hp 630i now features new lean burn technology in the guise of high precision direct injection and double-VANOS variable valve technology.The BMW 650i Coupe and Convertible models crown the range and are powered by a 4,799cc V8 engine providing an output of 367hp. The 650i with its aluminum engine and double-VANOS and VALVETRONIC variable valve technology is capable of reaching 62mph in 5.1 seconds in the Coupe and 5.5 seconds in the Convertible.
![BMW 6 Series Coupe Magazine Pictures](
![BMW 6 Series Coupe Magazine Pictures](
The 2008 6 Series is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports car, or convertible sports car, available in two trims, the 650i Coupe and the 650i Convertible.
Upon introduction, the 650i Coupe is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 22-mpg on the highway. The 650i Convertible is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 360-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 21-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims, and a 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is optional.The launch of the new BMW 6 Series Coupe and Convertible this weekend (7 October) marks the latest in a long line of BMW products revealed in 2007 featuring BMW EfficientDynamics
BMW 6-Series Cars Engine & Performance
The standard engine to the BMW 6 Series model is a 4.8 liter V8 model that can deliver power up to 360 hp and the engine can be paired to either manual or to an automated transmission.
The BMW 6 series model is equipped with the features like keyless entry system, auto climate control air conditioning, navigation system, power locks, seat memory, cruise control, dual zone front air conditioning, power windows, power driver seat, trip computer,
The new BMW 6 Series range features a host of innovations designed to increase performance, improve fuel consumption and reduce emissions. The BMW 635d is joined in the range by the 630i and 650i, offered in both Coupe and Convertible bodystyles. The six-cylinder magnesium and aluminum engine in the 272hp 630i now features new lean burn technology in the guise of high precision direct injection and double-VANOS variable valve technology.The BMW 650i Coupe and Convertible models crown the range and are powered by a 4,799cc V8 engine providing an output of 367hp. The 650i with its aluminum engine and double-VANOS and VALVETRONIC variable valve technology is capable of reaching 62mph in 5.1 seconds in the Coupe and 5.5 seconds in the Convertible.
BMW 5-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images
Upcoming BMW 5-Series Cars With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images.
![BMW 5-Series](
![BMW 5-Series](
![BMW 5-Series](
![BMW M5 Series Sport](
![BMW 5-Series](
![BMW 5-Series](
In the year 2004, Bavarian Motor Works announced that they would begin making odd numbered sedan and estate wagon models. The even numbered series would consist of cabriolets and coupés.
Bavarian Motor Works also has a lengthy involvement with the history of motor sports ever since the first BMW motorcycle came in to being. Many of the world’s most prestigious races have been won by Bavarian Motor Works.
In the year 2004, Bavarian Motor Works announced that they would begin making odd numbered sedan and estate wagon models. The even numbered series would consist of cabriolets and coupés.
Bavarian Motor Works also has a lengthy involvement with the history of motor sports ever since the first BMW motorcycle came in to being. Many of the world’s most prestigious races have been won by Bavarian Motor Works.
BMW Cars 3-Series With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images
BMW Cars 3-Series With Specification And Prices With Reviews and Images.
![BMW Cars 3-Series](
![BMW 3 series 2006](
BMW’s best-selling, top-volume model series is entering the new model this year with even greater momentum than before. BMW 3-Series M Sport oozes class. The 3 Series is the sharpest drive in its class. Body control and strong grip give it poise through corners, while the steering is accurate and communicative. Firm suspension makes you aware of low-speed bumps and coarse surfaces, but it’s never uncomfortable. Launched for the new 3-Series coupe and convertible and offered on all engine variants, M Sport cars come with a raft of additional equipment as standard compared to an SE model. An M Aerodynamic body styling package gives the car a sportier look, while Sport suspension with a stiffer, and 15mm lower, setup provides a more focused ride.
Tuning company Lumma Design knows how to get car enthusiasts thrilled when they released this package for the very popular BMW 3-series. The owner Horst Lumma personally guarantees that all cars tuned by his company are in the best hands and that you will be satisfied with your modifications.
The BMW 3 Series is the industry benchmark for the compact entry-level luxury car market. Other manufacturers try to imitate it, but rarely come close to delivering the driving experience of the BMW 3 Series. The 3 Series is available in a sedan (MSRP $32,400 - $40,800), coupe (MSRP $35,300 - $42,600), wagon (MSRP $34,200 - $42,600), and convertible (MSRP $43,200 - $49,100) versions. The sedan version (328i, 328xi, 335i, 335xi trim levels) competes with the Acura TL Type S, Audi A4, Infiniti G35, Jaguar X-Type, Lexus ES 350, Lexus IS, Lincoln MKZ, Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Saab 9-3 Sedan, Toyota Avalon Unlimited, Volkswagen Passat Sedan and Volvo S60 T5. The coupe version (328i, 328xi, 335i, 335xi trim levels) competes with the Infiniti G37 coupe, and the Mercedes-Benz CLK coupe. The wagon version (328i, 328xi trim levels) competes with the Jaguar X-Type Sportwagon, Saab 9-3 SportCombi Aero, Subaru Outback 3.0 R LL Bean Edition wagon, and Volvo V50. The convertible versions (328i, 335i trim levels) compete with the Audi A4 Cabriolet, Saab 9-3 Convertible Aero, Volkswagen Eos, and Volvo C70.
![BMW Cars 3-Series](
![BMW Cars 3-Series](
![BMW Cars 3-Series](
![m3 tuning bodykit](
BMW’s best-selling, top-volume model series is entering the new model this year with even greater momentum than before. BMW 3-Series M Sport oozes class. The 3 Series is the sharpest drive in its class. Body control and strong grip give it poise through corners, while the steering is accurate and communicative. Firm suspension makes you aware of low-speed bumps and coarse surfaces, but it’s never uncomfortable. Launched for the new 3-Series coupe and convertible and offered on all engine variants, M Sport cars come with a raft of additional equipment as standard compared to an SE model. An M Aerodynamic body styling package gives the car a sportier look, while Sport suspension with a stiffer, and 15mm lower, setup provides a more focused ride.
Tuning company Lumma Design knows how to get car enthusiasts thrilled when they released this package for the very popular BMW 3-series. The owner Horst Lumma personally guarantees that all cars tuned by his company are in the best hands and that you will be satisfied with your modifications.
The BMW 3 Series is the industry benchmark for the compact entry-level luxury car market. Other manufacturers try to imitate it, but rarely come close to delivering the driving experience of the BMW 3 Series. The 3 Series is available in a sedan (MSRP $32,400 - $40,800), coupe (MSRP $35,300 - $42,600), wagon (MSRP $34,200 - $42,600), and convertible (MSRP $43,200 - $49,100) versions. The sedan version (328i, 328xi, 335i, 335xi trim levels) competes with the Acura TL Type S, Audi A4, Infiniti G35, Jaguar X-Type, Lexus ES 350, Lexus IS, Lincoln MKZ, Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Saab 9-3 Sedan, Toyota Avalon Unlimited, Volkswagen Passat Sedan and Volvo S60 T5. The coupe version (328i, 328xi, 335i, 335xi trim levels) competes with the Infiniti G37 coupe, and the Mercedes-Benz CLK coupe. The wagon version (328i, 328xi trim levels) competes with the Jaguar X-Type Sportwagon, Saab 9-3 SportCombi Aero, Subaru Outback 3.0 R LL Bean Edition wagon, and Volvo V50. The convertible versions (328i, 335i trim levels) compete with the Audi A4 Cabriolet, Saab 9-3 Convertible Aero, Volkswagen Eos, and Volvo C70.
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