Kartika Indah Pelapory or popular with the name Indah Pelapory is a wide screen film stars in Indonesia. Populernya film titled CEWE MATREPOLI$ (2006), which dibintanginya with Nita Ferlina and Amalya Sutamarza under the direction director Effi Zen.
What movie star when MATREPOLI $ (2006), Indah also donated two songs that shes created each titled Money and Pilihanmu music into films is illustrated.
Shes Born in Jakarta, 25 April 1987 that had previously also star horror film HOUSE PONDOK INDAH, LENTERA RED and I love film CINTA You TITIK. In addition to a number of sinetron FTV and which appear on television.
In 2008, Beautiful Miss Indonesia following the event as a representative of the Moluccas. But it should be satisfied in the First Runner Up and the Miss Healthy Hair, after Sandra Angelia from East Java is selected as Miss Indonesia 2008.

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