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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Attrib Command

Attrib is a command we can used it in MS-DOS (OS/2 & Windows). We use it for set or remove any file's attributes such as 'hidden', 'archive', 'read-only', 'system'.

H = Hidden
S = System
A = archive
R = Read-only
+ = set a file to any attributes
- = remove a attributes

ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H]

/S = Processes files in all directories
/D = Process folders as well

Ok let's play with it. Firstly you need a file to do it. So create file using Microsoft Word for example .

1. open Ms-word & type your name
2. File > Save As
3. give the file names (example: LaNceR.doc) and save the file in C:\ (not in my document)

Now you have example file to do it. Next let's we test play with attrib command.

1. Start > Run > CMD (type and press enter) - Command prompt will show up
2. type this command C: \ (press enter) - there have space between C: and \
3. type DIR (press enter) - locate you example file that you created, my file names LaNceR.doc
4. type this command for set the files attributes Read-Only

attrib +R LaNceR.doc (press enter)

5. now go back to the windows and open your file (mines is LaNceR.doc) and type something new text on it and try save the file with the same name. Look what will happened. This happen because you has set the file as 'Read-only'. If you want remove the 'hidden' attributes for the files, use this command

attrib -R LaNceR.doc (press enter)

So you can try with others syntax such as A, H, S. I give some tips, how do we do it if a some of kind virus hide all your file's in specific folder? Example the missing file is Ms-Word (.doc) and specific folder is 'my documents'.

First you need goto the directory path. Our last path was C:\ right? So type this command

CD Documents and Settings\JuHaNa\My Documents (press enter)

Now you in 'My Documents' path/folder.

Used this syntax : attrib -h *.doc

If the virus hide all file's in the folder, you can use wild card

Used this syntax : attrib -h *.*

but the problem is, nowdays system more high security and prevent user from using mass command or wildcard. The best is, try and error

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